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Let’s build circularity around the next generation!

The norm today is to buy new things, like toys, books or sports equipement, for our kids. But why, when we know the kids will lose interest and grow out of them within months? What will the future of toys and childrenswear look like with circular solutions? Join us in a LOOP Lab with focus on kids. And let’s build circularity around the next generation!

Lästid: 2 min


Bild på logotypen för Loop. Ett nätverk för cirkulär ekonomi

The value of the global toy market was over 90 billion USD in 2019. And did you know that 80% of all kids toys end up thrown away in landfills, incinerators or oceans?

Let’s get more environmentally friendly households

It is not surprising that becoming a parent makes your household 25% less environmentally friendly. However, 71% of parents say they became more concerned about sustainability after having a child. 

Clearly there is a need and demand to find better models to produce, use and reuse toys, baby equipment and clothes.

What will the future of toys and childrenswear look like with circular solutions? Let’s build circularity around the next generation!

Bild på Maria Klint, cirkulär tjänstedesigner på Antrop

Why do I feel I have to excuse myself and my son when showing up with a second hand toy for a friend’s birthday party? As parents we need to live by example and start challenging the norm, today. As professionals we need to lead the change.

Maria Klint, Circular Service Designer and facilitator

Maria Klint is Sustainability and Service Designer at Antrop and she will be facilitating the workshop, also called A LOOP Lab. In a creative session, you will be inspired, explore new ideas, and be challenged to act. Because the next generation needs to grow up in a world where circularity is mainstream. To get there:

  • Businesses need to offer circular solutions
  • Parents need to shift their mindset and live by example

By doing so, kids will be introduced to a circular mindset from an early age.

Welcome! Read more and register


One (free of charge) digital workshop based on design thinking methodology. Our team will facilitate and the session does not require any preparations from you. We only expect you to bring and share your own insights and experiences.


You are a Nordic professional excited to explore business with circular solutions. Maybe you are working in toy manufacturing, retail, childrenswear, baby products or resale/reuse.

We are LOOP, a network of Nordic experts in business development, service and digital design, venture building and circular designLOOP was founded by Verona Growth (former Avanto Ventures), Sitra and Nordic Innovation and is a cooperation between Antrop (SE), Avanto (FI), Agens (NO), Startup Norway (NO) and StartUp Iceland (DK)

When and Where?

24st November 2021, 10-12 am CET


For you to get inspired to take action and start collaborating with the necessary actors to go from strategy to action with circular solutions.

Register here

New LOOP Lab – this one’s for the kids

We have arranged LOOP Labs before on different aspects of circularity. The last one, held late 2020, was focused on buidling circularity into the e-commerce boom and over 40 companies from 5 countries joined in. 

Prata med mig om du vill veta mer om cirkulär design.

Sara Nero

073-066 20 36

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